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Darling in the FranXX Anime Producer Yuichi Fukushima Should Kill Himself?
By ImJustThatKinky • 6 years ago


I’m all for waifu wars and all, hell, I’ve done two of them already one on Persona 5  and one on My Hero Academia (you should check them out, there really good). But I’ve never gone a far as to threaten someone life for when my waifu doesn’t get with the right man (which is me!) but since I’m not a anime character I’ll have to settle with her getting with best boy. Well in Darling in the FranXX episode 14 best girl didn’t get with best boy, she went with fuckboi and people of Twitter aren’t happy about that.


The scene in question that got everyone so heated!


Yuichi Fukushima, former A-1 Pictures animation producer Twitter has been bombarded with hateful messages after the airing of Darling in the FranXX episode14. With the Hiro, Zero Two, and Ichigo love triangle still being drag along and in all honesty, seeming unnecessary and forced, people are voicing their opinions, some with general criticism and some of just vile intentions. Fukushima made two tweets, first tweet thanking the episode's staff for their work, the other tweet complimenting the episode's unique ending sequence (bad move there :/) Both of these tweets were attacked with comments of simple critics of the episode and others of death threats, even as far as targeting his family. One of the lovelies even made us our beautiful thumbnail telling Fukushima to put his mouth on Zero Two’s gun and kill himself! Thanks psychopath :D

And if you’re also a super butt hurt fan, you can follow the hashtag #Bitchigo to vent out your frustration. But if you’re a good little Darling, you won’t do that :D


Hiro go back to your mood swing bitch Zero Two and stop tempting my pure Ichigo with your main character plot device dick. She deserve Goro got damn it!

Now I feel like everyone who’s going as far as threatening the man over an episode that I also can agree was very shitty (the show for me has actually been going down hill for awhile) should really calm the fuck down! It’s not that serious. I’m the one who should be the most hurt! The problem Goro is having with Ichigo is just like my situation in high school, but that’s a story for another time.

"Why dosen't she like me? I know that I might not be cooler than the other dude but I actually like her. I'm better in the long run." - Highschool Kinky

So what do you think Darlings? Are people going too far? Did you like the ending? What ending should best boy Goro get? Tell us in the comments below.