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Having a Friend With Benefits
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

As desperate as I am to have sex with someone, I sometime considered asking one of my girl friends if they wouldn’t mind having a little sex with me. I obviously never gain the courage to do something so outrageous, but I do always wonder what they would say.

I didn't even ask yet?

I always heard of friends with benefits, but I’ve never seen it for myself. I dont know anyone who just have a friend that they sometime fuck. I know I wish I had a friend such as that, but sadly, I don’t. How does one even get a friend with benefits? Just go up to your friend and say “Hey buddy. I was kind of bored and was wondering would you like to have sex?” Wouldn’t the girl just slap you, think you’re calling her a slut, or just stop being your friend? Is having a sex friend like some kind of random event from a video game?

Okay. I get it!

But if you somehow get a friend with benefits, then you run into the problem of someone getting too attached. I wanted to just fuck you, but now you’re getting feelings. That shit doesn't work for a playa like me. If you can’t keep the relationship to just friends who have sex, then you’re pretty much fucked. But how many people really can have sex with someone and not grow some kind of connection with them. Maybe having friends with benefits creates its own mess of problems to deal with, but I still want one!

Okay, maybe I don't want a friend with benfits.

Have you ever had a friend with benefits? Would you ever ask your friend if they’ll like to have sex with you? What would you do if they started catching feelings? Tell us in the comments.