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Krekkov is GAY?! And So Am I
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 weeks ago

If liking cute femboys is gay, then fuck it, call me gay. Artist Krekkov is never going to beat the gay allegation.

A running joke going around the NSFW community is how gay Krekkov is, even though he denies it. It’s a funny inside joke that’s not so inside anymore. The only thing inside at this point is Krekkov inside a closet, and he needs to come out.

And now, Krekkov is trying to make everyone else gay with his femboy Joey. Joey’s the kind of bro that you’d have to say no homo while fucking. He’s too cute to pass up, and to cute to be consider gay for fucking him.

I’m enjoying this Krekkov gay arc, if it keep providing us with hot femboy art and OCs like this, than I’m down with the gays…no homo.

Do you think Krekkov is gay? Would you fuck Joey? Are you gay? Tell us in the comments.