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Mrs. Snake Is Slithering Her Way Into Fate Grand Order
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 weeks ago

Fate Grand Order isn’t shy about releasing hot waifus for people to lewd. Hell, I feel like it’s a part of their brand at this point. So I should have known when I saw this super busty, super hot snake woman trending on my Twitter timeline, that it had to be a character from the FGO series. And after doing a very fast research, I found who she was. Move over Medusa, cause Mrs. Snake might be taking your spot.

Mrs. Snake is a new NPC in the Fate Grand Order mobile game. Not a character that you can play with…YET…but just someone you run into and talk to for a story event. Her design was so good that many didn’t care that she was just a NPC. With her having huge tits, that can barely be contained in her one piece gray sweater. She was eye-catching from the start. And if you know the character, her design really reminds me of Mei Mei from Jujutsu Kasien.

Artist: ThiccWithaQ

Artist: KureNaiZ1

Artist: Mezio

What do you think of Mrs. Snake? Do you think she’s hotter than Medusa? Do you think she looks like Mei Mei? Tell us in the comments.