I’m really starting to get scared. Is no one safe from getting hacked? Are the crypto bros that desperate to try and scam people, and do a rug pull under them. Cause out of nowhere, a NSFW artist we’ve talked about before, CrystalCheese (don’t worry, this is the link to their new Twitter account), was hacked.
Luckily, their new account doesn’t look like that trash fire, but like an actual artist page.
One, I honestly don’t know how so many big creators are getting hacked all the time. I’m not sure if the hackers are getting smarter, or, are people easily letting their guard down. Second, why are crypto people going so hard about trying to scam people. Do people really fall for these crypto scams? Is it really that easy to make money off of crypto? Maybe I should…give it a try…
That's a smile you can trust.
So this is just another PSA, telling you all to stay safe on the internet, and don’t trust weird links. And don’t trust crypto.
Were you following CrystalCheese before the hack? Are you scared to be hacked? Have you ever tried crypto? Tell us in the comments.