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Anime Flashbacks In The Same Damn Episode
By WakeUpSnooze • 2 years ago

The flashback. A storytelling device used to reveal information that happened in the past of a narrative, often utilized to provide the viewer with extra context on what events lead up to the present and how those events shaped the characters. Or, alternatively, a way of reminding the viewers of something that happened a long time ago in the show that they may have missed or forgotten about. For example, showing a scene once more where a murderer slipped up and said something that gave them away, but that was small and went unnoticed by other characters and most of the audience. On the contrary, you then have flashbacks in anime.

“I HATE YOU JIMMY-SAN, you never respected my goals.” Cue flashback to when Jimmy said “I don’t respect your goals, Alice” Alice then says “That’s why you never loved me!” Cue flashback to when Jimmy thought “I’m not sure if I love Alice” HOLY FUCK I GET IT PEOPLE. Don’t get me wrong, many anime use flashbacks effectively as mentioned in the scenarios above, but fuck man anime is the only medium I know of that will have flashbacks in the same episode of the most inconsequential shit that only a child or goldfish would have forgotten by the time the flashback appears. My man will get bullied in the first scene, then in the second scene go home and cry, and they’ll flashback to what the bully was saying. Bitch I was there when he said it the first time, I don’t need to hear it again! I was able to piece together why the main character was crying in the mirror after the bully called him a “giant cucklord”, I don’t need to see it again five minutes later.

Black and white? Ah nah we're going way back.

If you’re new to anime or don’t watch it much anymore you may not be familiar with this phenomenon, however trust me once it happens you’ll very quickly understand what I’m talking about. It’s like the writers expect the audience to be a bunch of four year olds. And hey when I’m watching Yu-Gi-Oh! sure go ahead, play the flashbacks every two seconds. The cards can get complicated and kids ARE watching. But when it’s time for a big boi anime? Please let’s leave the incessant flashbacks behind. Usually I’m on the side that it’s better to over explain to an audience than to under explain, but damn I have to draw a line somewhere. And re-showing something that isn’t that important or complex, happened 5 minutes ago, and doesn’t have some hidden double meaning to be uncovered is that line.

NO! I don't need to hear her basic ass motivation recounted AGAIN!

Alright I better end this article here or I’ll end up being the very thing I swore to destroy. It’s always interesting to me when you notice something specific to anime that’s so small, yet instantly recognizable to regular fans. Here’s hoping one day they’ll slow down on flashbacks enough to where it’s not as jarring. How do you think anime uses flashbacks compared to other mediums? Is the typical anime flashback unnecessary just to pad for time, or do the directors honestly think we forgot about an event that happened five minutes ago? Type up an opinion, flashback to when you started writing the sentence as to what made you write it, and leave it in the comments below!