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Audio Doujins: What Happened After the Persona 3 Ending?
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago

Now let’s celebrate the Persona 5 Royal audio doujins month, with the “first” game in the series, Persona 3. And what better day to release this audio doujin on, then March 5th. If you ever wondered what happens after the gang goes back to the dorm, then this doujin will reveal all of that. This was a fun one to voice, with alot of characters being involved. You have Tempty reprising her role as Aigis, giving us that sexy, robotic voice we all love about Aigis. We have Milly Stern giving us a great Mitsuru, Dorn giving an equally great Yukari, and Buddy giving us an equally great Fuuka!  And let’s not forget the bois, Kinky does the voice of Junpei, while Snooze does the voice of Akihiko. And don’t worry, even though her name is spelled Aegis in the doujin, we all pronounce it Aigis. You’re welcome.


Aigis voiced by Tempty

Yukari voiced by Dorn

Fuuka voiced by Aero Buddy

Mitsuru voiced by Milly Stern

Junpei voiced by ImJustThatKinky

Akihiko voiced by WakeUpSnooze

What did you think of everyone's performance? Do you consider Persona 3, the first Persona game? What name do you prefer, Aegis or Aigis? Tell us in the comments.