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Could You Wait 5 Years for Sex?
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

I’ve already been waiting for 24 years to have sex, but that’s not by choice, so it’s different. Now someone asking me to wait a set amount of years just to have sex with them, now that could cause some problems. Mushoku Tensei brought up the hard hitting question of, could you wait 5 years to have sex with someone?

Now for me personally, I feel like there’s a few things that would factor in when making this decision. One, how much do I like this girl? Two, do I have feelings for any other girls? And three, did I already have sex before? I feel like this. If I wasn’t a virgin and a girl that I was in a relationship with and that I loved wanted me to wait 5 years, then I think I could survive. But if I was still a virgin and a girl wanted me to wait 5 extra years on top of my already sexless life, then that might be a hard no for me. The scary thing is, what if I decided to wait those 5 years, and when the 2 year mark hits, she decides to break up with me. So you’re telling me I waited 2 years, just for her to leave me. I would be so fucking pissed!

So yeah, it totally depends on different factors, it’s not just a simple yes or no question. Love is strong, but sex is also strong, and it’s even stronger when someone is a virgin. 

You can say that again.

Could you wait 5 years to have sex? Would you tell someone to wait 5 years for sex? How long could you wait to have sex? Tell us in the comments.