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Do You Bother With A VPN For Porn?
By WakeUpSnooze • 11 months ago

Browsing the internet can be a scary task when you’re charting unfamiliar territory. That’s why I use NordVPN, the sponsor of today’s video. Did you know that going incognito mode isn’t — OKAY WAIT PLEASE, I’m kidding, I’m jesting. YouTubers tend to get a small array of repeat sponsorships and VPNs are always near the top of the list. Interestingly enough they often take the porn angle as a big selling point, claiming that for maximum security you should use one when browsing porn. And it’s true, using a service like that does offer an extra layer of protection. However, it also comes with many headaches.

When I use a VPN, I have to make sure nowadays I’m logged out of every damn service imaginable because otherwise my inbox will be filled with 26 security messages asking if I’ve been hacked by some dude in Texas, Norway, or Japan. That means I pretty much need to be ready to sit down and consume nothing but porn for a bit. Since the VPN I use is free I don’t mind the inconvenience, but I only bother utilizing it in a few specific use cases. Case one: I’m trying to find some rare porn or something and I’m venturing out into unknown lewd websites to locate it. Sorry but I don't really trust Billybob’s Big Boob Emporium. Case two: I'm staying at a house that’s owned by the tech savvy part of the family. One half of my family couldn’t figure out how to reset a router, the other half could probably hack into my phone without me noticing. Case three: for some god forsaken reason I’m trying to watch porn on a vacation or something using hotel internet. That one hasn’t happened yet so fingers crossed. Other than those situations, I don’t ever find myself firing up the VPN service. I mainly just come to and a JAV website I trust anyway. My ISP probably knows I enjoy 30 page yuri doujins with unique artstyles by now, but fuck it.

Man I come here almost everyday, I ain't fooling with a VPN.

Now I’d like to turn it over to you guys. Perhaps all these YouTubers have had a bigger influence than I expected. Do you turn on a VPN when you go to porn sites? If so, do you use it all the time or only in specific cases? Do you worry about the data your ISP collects on you? Click on a video, make it five seconds in, and hear an ad read for ExpressVPN in the comments below!