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Do You Watch Anime Weekly, Or Binge It All At Once?
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago

Anime is an ever growing industry these days, with more and more companies wanting to put their hand in the basket. There’s one company that I wince at every time I hear they’re involved though, and that would be Netflix. No, not because they allowed Cuties on their site… though to be honest we might as well throw that in there too. My main beef with Netflix anime is they drop that shit all at once like people don’t have schedules or anything. 

In highschool I loved when I found an already finished series cause that meant I got to go through that entire bitch back to back for hours on end until I completed it. A whole weekend could be dedicated to one anime. But in highschool the work was easy, my friends were nonexistent, and my hobbies were “haha I play League of Legends, that’s epic right?”. What was an awesome excuse to consume several hours on a weekend back then is now a horrible burden. “Holy fuck, this anime is already 5 episodes deep? That’s 20 x 5 = 100 minutes I have to watch to be caught up!”. I think weekly anime theoretically fit much more into the schedule of the average adult because it’s 20 minutes per week. And you can always skip a week and then you’re still only 40 minutes behind. I know that in the end you spend the same amount of time whether you watch them on a weekly basis or all at once, but for me it’s about the scheduling. Finding 20 minutes per week per anime is a lot easier than finding a several hour period.

Fear not everyone, she is fine, she's just panicking about when she's gonna find the time to catch up to this anime.

I know it seems like I’m picking on Yasuke, but fear not as Netflix doesn’t give a flying fuck about scheduling on almost every anime they release. I already did my spring anime first impressions article a while ago as many anime are already approaching their fourth or fifth episodes, and these bitches just dropped 6 episodes of an entirely new series, Yasuke. From what I can tell it’s merely a miniseries ONA and those 6 episodes are the entire thing, but that’s still 6 episodes out of nowhere that I didn’t have worked into the schedule. I knew this was coming and I wanted to see if it was any hype, but to be honest I forgot about it cause I already got my seasonal watching in order. This anime could be fucking banging, but unless I hear reports that it’s a masterpiece or Kinky tells me to watch it, I’m not even giving it a chance. Ya Snooze, Ya lose. 

What I find interesting is I bet a lot of people won’t be able to relate to this article. After all, most people don’t check out that many seasonal anime. Since keeping up with anime helps me with ideas for the blog I likely deal with more anime than the average bear, some of which aren’t even good. I would guess most people don’t mind sitting down to watch several episodes of an anime given they don’t watch that many seasonal ones to begin with. Do you watch anime weekly? Do you prefer when they drop in a big pile of episodes? Share your schedule in the comments below!