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Introducing The Apple Vision Porn Headset
By WakeUpSnooze • 11 months ago

The past is a memory. The present is a present. The future, well by god, the future is here boys. Augmented reality has taken a great leap forward with the introduction of the all new Apple Vision Porn headset. Wait a minute… I’m hearing from my editor that it's the Vision Pro. Not porn. Okay well that dulls my excitement a good bit. Oh, it costs HOW FUCKING MUCH? As with 99% of all Apple products, after seeing the price to performance ratio I couldn’t care less about this new headset from a buying perspective and pretty much the entire internet shared the same sentiment. Don’t get me wrong, the tech demo shows off some cool shit and I’ll post it here for the curious, but once you see the price tag you’ll probably immediately forget any interest you previously had.


AR and VR are in a strange place for me. It’s like they’re almost to the point of being affordable and worth it, but just not quite there yet to convince me to own one. Most games I enjoy probably wouldn’t do very well in a VR environment, which leaves me wondering how the porn quality is nowadays. The lewd VR content I’ve personally investigated seems ok, but still behind regular porn in terms of enjoyability. If I’m going to be strapping on a damn cyber helmet and loading up a sex game to fap to, that shit is going to need to be a super fun experience. I barely use onaholes for the exact reason that while they provide a unique fap, the cleanup afterwards can be a huge hassle and that’s usually the last thing you want after blasting off. Still I’d do it if there was some awesome VR sex content out there. Sadly for now this product looks to bring us no closer to a future where VR or AR porn are both accessible and of high quality, but as many have pointed out this may be a mere stepping stone in the path of this technology. Apple makes it more mainstream, competition rises, companies find ways to make it cheaper, with more people owning the tech more devs of the lewd variety find it worth the time to make sexy games or experiences, yada yada. My fingers are crossed but my breath is not held. 

It appears my dreams of cumming to virtual girls in an immersive reality like I’m in Cyberpunk Edgerunners is still far off. However, I have heard some wild stories of people doing edibles and playing VR Skyrim. Perhaps my focus is simply in the wrong place for the times we live in. Did you watch any of the Apple showcase? Are you excited for this headset? Do you think this will make VR and AR a more widespread interest? Head to a store, drain your wallet dry, and pray like hell this $3500 item never breaks in the comments below!