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Pornhub Wants to Buy Tumblr
By Kasaix • 5 years ago

The irony of it all! When I heard the news, I thought it was a joke. No way this is real, right? Nope, it's legit. In a statement to PCMag which you can see HERE, a representative of that glorious site said the following: "I can confirm our interest."

Pornhub Vice President Corey Price used the words "extremely interested" and went on to say this: “Tumblr was a safe haven for those who wanted to explore and express their sexuality, adult entertainment aficionados included. We’ve long been dismayed that such measures were taken to eradicate erotic communities on the platform, leaving many individuals without an asylum through which they could comfortably peruse adult content.”

So what's all this about? According to the Wall Street Journal, Verizon is looking to sell Tumblr to "stabilize" it's media business. We reported it before, Tumblr isn't looking too "stabile" after the Porn Purge. Yahoo bought up Tumblr back in 2013, slapping down a cool $1.1 billion. By 2016, Yahoo valued Tumblr $230 million less than that. So, Tumblr's not doing too hot, and the Porn Purge, which had many fans fleeing the site in droves, is doing so bad that Verizon may want to sell. 

Pornhub wants to buy Tumblr, which would restore the site to its full glory. A Tumblr rep has said this to defend their crap move: "We made a strategic decision for the business that better positions it for long-term growth among more types of users. This was the right decision."

Please let this happen. The sheer irony of it all would actually break the internet. Maybe not all fans would return to a Pornhub-owned Tumblr, but I can imagine some people coming back to spam the site with porn before taking off again, just to fuck with the people who launched the Porn Purge.

If it does happen, odds are good that Tumblr will just go back to pre-Purge rules: porn is allowed, as long as it isn't kiddy porn. I doubt Pornhub would do an Anything-But-Porn Purge.