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Pro Wrestler Steps Into the Ring in My Hero Academia Cosplay
By Yung Namahage • 5 years ago

My Hero Academia really is everywhere these days. Not only has it been one of the most succesful anime and manga franchises in recent years, but there's also video games, an animated movie, spinoff manga, radia dramas and even an upcoming live action movie. Now, even pro wrestling is feeling the Plus Ultra spirit.

Leva Bates recently turned up to defend her Heavy On Wrestling Championship belt while showing her love for anime with a My Hero Academia inspired tracksuit that looks like something a UA student would wear during PE class. 

Bates, also known as "Blue Pants" during her stint in WWE, is no stranger to cosplay both in and out the ring. She regularly dresses up as characters from anime, comics, movies, and even other wrestlers, which has earned her a significant nerdy fanbase. Follow her on Twitter here and check out a few more of her cosplays below.