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Saying Goodbye To Fall Anime 2023
By WakeUpSnooze • 4 months ago

As we approach the dead of winter, that can only mean it’s time to say goodbye to the fall anime this season. I went for a smaller selection of quality pickings this time around and I have to say it sure makes the task of enjoying anime a lot easier. This year is almost over so with time running out let’s say goodbye to the last series of 2023.

Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2

From a recurring series standpoint I shouldn’t even be including this here, but goddammit I had to comment about the immaculate action presented to us in this arc. People have been hyping up the Shibuya era ever since the anime began airing and for good reason. It really felt like a no- holds-barred dire situation where the vast majority of the cast are up on the chopping block, unlike typical shounen that boast casts of over 20+ regular characters none of which are injured or face death. The choreography and smooth animation of this season are downright fantastic but I can’t help but feel a little weird knowing how much suffering occurred at MAPPA HQ in order to make it happen. I may have to write a full article on that later. For now know that this is still a highly recommended shounen with one of the most consistent action arcs in anime history.

Undead Unluck

I expected a generic experience going into this, but I was greeted with anything but. The way this anime takes so many shounen tropes and turns them on their heads should be congratulated. I mean how many anime start off by having the main cast JOIN the mysterious gang of “evil” villains instead of fighting them one by one? And while that’s the basic premise, the show evolves into so much more. Good comedic timing mixed with fun battles and intense emotional moments sprinkled in come together to make an enjoyable watch that I don’t know who would turn their nose up at. I thoroughly enjoyed this part and am hyped for the next installment.

Dr. Stone: New World Part 2

It’s here, it’s science, it’s Dr. Stone. I really shouldn’t be reviewing it this deep into its release cycle but I can’t resist. This show is so close to being perfect. My only complaint is that it raises the stakes so high over and over, and then nobody is ever really hurt or even injured in a way that matters. I understand it’s for a somewhat younger audience but I think a death here and there (at least on the villain's side if nothing else) could help add some validity to the stakes that the main cast are always touting. Regardless of that little complaint, it’s still a science-lover’s treasure trove for entertainment with enough loveable characters that even the science-haters have something to appreciate. The next season has been confirmed and it will be the final season which I think is fantastic for the pacing. A few more seasons and it might feel too stretched out so I’m happy to see the end on the horizon despite enjoying the ride overall so far.

Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku-hen

It sucks to watch a series you enjoyed slowly turn into a trope-driven mess where you slowly want to toss the entire cast into a gang fight where everyone dies and call it a day. This arc is practically devoid of logic and when some is presented, it’s the most edge and darkness fueled logic I’ve heard in a minute. At this point I’m not even rooting for anyone. It’s a horrendous watch that I can’t look away from. Watching this with Kinky is my only saving grace as we can roast the episodes in real time when dumb shit happens. Or in other words, every other scene. This may be the last time I talk about this series. At this point it is officially no longer a recommendation by me. Hopefully nobody picked it up after I said the first couple of arcs were good, though I do stand by that statement. It’s everything after the beginning that falls apart…

Under Ninja

Oh god this was shit. It was excruciating to watch after the first few episodes. Nothing is explained. Nobody is developed. The pacing is absolutely all over the place. Everything is treated as a meme. I stated earlier that this anime had a unique atmosphere but needed to balance out the comedic stuff and they told me to fuck myself. This whole ride was nothing but meme after meme after meme with no substance for any event that happens. I don’t care if this gets a second season, I’m never watching another episode of this godforsaken shit as long as I live. For what it’s worth, my friend who loves this series read the manga and claims that its way better and that the anime’s director completely ruined the series and pummeled it into the ground. He begged me to stop watching the anime and instead pick up the manga to see what the real deal is like. However, as we all know I can’t read, so that didn’t happen. If you’re just dying to see the true Under Ninja story, I think it’s safe to say the manga is the superior option. I’m good with leaving this behind and not looking back.


On paper this anime should have been pretty shit, yet I thoroughly enjoyed it. It takes us on a short trip into the world of F1 racing (which to my understanding is adjacent to the recently popular F4 racing). It was educational enough for me to learn about the hobby somewhat. Still though, the clear highlight of the series was the characters. Everyone here is reminiscent of a common anime stereotype. However, over the course of the runtime everyone is developed further to feel way more human than your average seasonal “hobby” anime. Another unique factor is that adults are present and one is even a main character. Their maturity helps to add a sense of realism and balance to the overall younger cast of race car drivers. Realism because as the show teaches, this sport costs a ton of money and requires a ton of business connections to actually participate in, and ya need adults for that stuff. It wrapped up the plot nicely by the end so nobody is left wondering if we’ll get a second season to resolve things. I believe this was a one-hit-wonder and I’m fine leaving it that way. A super enjoyable and quick watch for those curious about F1-style racing.

Sousou no Frieren

I had to force myself to sit down and watch this at first because it released an initial bulk of episodes when the season started. Normally I hate this as it ruins my synchronization with the other airing anime… but dog this shit could release an entire batch of 12 episodes in a week and I’d binge through it somehow. Articles be damned. This anime is about a very old elf who still looks and acts like a younger person embarking on a journey to learn how to be closer to humans. Along the way she forms a new party of travelers to help do so and reach “the land where souls rest”. I can’t sing the praises of this series enough. Pretty animation, an atmospheric OST, complex characters, and life lessons dashed on top has turned this into my anime of the season. If you click off this article remembering only one thing it should be this: watch Sousou no Frieren.

I definitely had some suffering to do this season, but Frieren and the gang made it bearable. I’m so thankful it will be continuing on into 2024. Talk about starting the new year off right. What anime did you watch this time around? What were your favorites? Did I miss out on any bangers? Load your fireworks, prepare your resolutions, and say goodbye to Fall Anime 2023 in the comments below!