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Twitter New X Rebranding Sound Like A Porn Site
By ImJustThatKinky • 8 months ago

If you use the internet, you most likely are already aware of a big change that’s been happening with Twitt-I mean, X, as of recent. Yes, Twitter is pretty much known as X now, or atleast, it’s logo is X now.

The reason I say that is because even if X is plastered over everything and everywhere, the website is still called, and you still have to type in Twitter to search for it. So X is just a logo at this point, and a shitty logo at that. If they just wanted X as a logo, they should have just went with this guy's idea.

Ever since Elon Musk got in charge, Twit-I mean X!!! Has been falling apart little by little, with no real sign of getting any better. But even with all the crazy changes Elon has been making, it’s still not enough to make people leave the platform. That’s because even if it’s shit now, there’s no bigger platform to switch to. So right now, all we can do is be a slut to X and just take it in the ass until someone else comes around and steals its spot.

Atleast we get some sexy memes from it.

Do you use Twitter/X? Do you think the new X branding is stupid? Do you think the fan made logo is better than the official logo? Tell us in the comments.