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When You Find The Porn You Lost
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago

Have you ever worked hard at something that you weren't sure you could even complete in the first place? Have you sat there, watching the clock tick away as you try this method, that method, John’s method, and bigdickies77’s method that he posted on one of those forums nobody knows about? If you haven’t then this article probably won’t be that interesting. But for those of you who have fought tooth and nail to achieve something, I implore you to keep reading. Today is our day. I’m proud to announce I found one of my favorite live-action porn videos again.

The day was 8/12/2020. I uploaded an article urging the people of to download their favorite porn where possible because you never know when something might be lost or taken down on the Internet. That article was actually inspired by the loss of one single video to a copyright claim on PornHub. A banger, some may have called it. Life goes on so I wrote the article and moved on myself, but man there’d be some days where I wondered “surely some freak on the Internet has this somewhere.” I didn’t dive too deep into it though. But finally, finally after a few months I realized there’s no fault in trying even if the chances are slim. So I put on my Hackerman gloves and got to work. I went deep.

You won't get away this time, tiddies. It's time to get serious.

I was a lone man with a porn actress name. Initial results were shit. A few videos would come up but none that resembled what I was looking for. Idea: change the porn actress name to Japanese characters. Oh yeah. Now a ton of videos are popping up but wait a second I can’t read Japanese. Throw in Google translate to help. It works but in the way of “Sorta works” that Google translate is famous for. Regardless it’s enough to find a site that has a list of videos she’s in. I spot the fucker, the one I’m hunting down is right there. But it’s not actually available to view. I try to copy and paste the translated title into a search bar but there’s no English equivalent results. Gotta turn Google Translate back off, copy the characters, turn it back on, and search again. Bingo, found a Japanese website offering to sell it. A little too sketchy for my taste so I look around some more. Find another Japanese website that’s a database for JAV shit. Oh shit, a title match has appeared. If it’s a JAV then it should have an ID. I can now take the video ID from the match. I then find a similar JAV database site but in English and use the ID code. Find the video, love it, realize it’s not available to watch, almost kill myself. Took the ID and looked through a few more sites...ladies and gentlemen…a 6 hour download from one of those horrendously slow file hosting sites, and we got’em.

"I can personally confirm I came to the video myself. We got em."

I share my story today as an inspirational message for anyone out there who lost one of their favorite pornos. It may be some work (I think I spent nearly two and a half hours hunting for this bad boy) but if you complete the recovery it’s all worth it. I admit I owe a lot to the ingenious idea of the JAV unique naming system, Godspeed to whoever thought of that. Have you ever found a favorite that you lost? How far would you be willing to go to get it back? Pack it up for today, and leave a comment below!

P.S. Downloaded it this time. Thanks Doujin Army.