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Women Top Three Biggest Fears
By ImJustThatKinky • 6 months ago

Okay, we already talked about the three biggest fears when it comes to men, but now, we’re here to talk about the women. We believe in equal rights here, so let’s talk about the three things that girls might fear.

Now I feel like back in the day, it would have just been easy to write bald girls off as ugly. But with new trends and having some hot bald girls in the Black Panther movie, I feel like it’s been shown that some girls know how to rock a bald head. NOW I’M NOT SAYING EVERY GIRL SHOULD START SHAVING THEIR HEADS!!! But it’s just not as shocking as it used to be. And unlike guys, it’s not weird for a girl to want to wear a wig. It’s all natural…well, I guess it’s not if it’s a wig.

Not really bald and shaved, but close enough.

Some dudes like their girls thicc. I know a little meat of the bones can look hella sexy on a lot of girls. But when the girl eats a little bit too much meat off the chicken bone, she becomes less thicc and more FAT!!! Some girls, and people. try to blur the line between fat and thicc, but it’s an obvious difference. I feel like unlike guys who can get away with being fat most of the time, when a girl is fat, it’s like the end of the world for them. I don’t know what a girl would dread more, going bald, or being fat. But I know one thing, at least if a bald girl sucks my dick, I’m not at risk of her trying to eat it.

A little too much cake I see.

Unlike guys, I feel like girls being short is the least of their worries. Like, some guys like their girls short, and I feel like it’s a large percentage of those kinds of guys. So I feel like this is a minor problem compared to the other two, if this is seen as a problem at all. The only thing I can see is people thinking that your girlfriend is a kid. Which can be solved with simply flashing her ID. Unless…your girlfriend is an actual kid. Then at that point, I feel like you have bigger problems on our hands.

She's an adult teacher, trust.

So for me, the crazy thing is, I would accept a bald girl the most. Like, I’m one of those guys who doesn’t really like girls who are really short. But I know I like short girls more than fat girls. So a bald cute girl is def on the top of my list, and miss chunky is at the bottom. And before people say I’m a shitty person for judging girls' appearances, just know that I’m ugly as shit. I’m not saying I’m mister perfect myself.

Would you rather a girl be bald, short, or fat? What’s worse for a girl, being bald, short, or fat? Is it okay to judge based on appearance? Tell us in the comments.