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Audio Doujins: Who’s The Better Milf, Hinata or Sakura?
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago

I’m so happy to finally get some of Sahara Wataru’s doujins audioed. He makes some of the best Naruto doujins, so I had to one day add some audio to them. Who doesn't love some good ass Naruto doujins. I was happy to have LewdHeart do the voice of Hinata, and Ame do the voice of Sakura. And Kinky doing the voice of Naruto.

Hinata voiced by LewdHeart

Sakura voiced by  AmeAfterDark

Naruto voiced by  ImJustThatKinky

What did you think of LewdHeart’s performance? What did you think of Ame’s performance? Would you like to hear more Naruto audio doujins? Tell us in the comments.