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Bleach Creator Kubo Says Jujutsu Kaisen Girls Aren't His Type
By WakeUpSnooze • 3 years ago

Order! Order in the court I said! I know, I know, it’s hard to stay calm when somebody comes for the Jujutsu Kaisen girls but we all must let cooler heads prevail here. For the unaware, the two creators have been art swapping and having some conversations as of late for Shuiesha, a Japanese publishing company. Things took a turn for the controversial when during that conversation the topic shifted to female characters, and Kubo admitted that none of the JJK girls fit his taste. 

Fans immediately went up in arms and started throwing shade back and forth (as they do) amongst the two series. I admit I have to disagree, there are plenty of JJK girls that fit my bill (like all of them). At the same time there’s no reason to attack Kubo for his opinion. Many were quick to point out how “fan-servicey” some of Kubo’s designs are as a possible complaint but Kubo himself didn’t come out and say “I wish there were sluttier” or anything. Furthermore, Kubo elaborated on the personalities of the women and said most are “unyielding” and then asked Akutami whether that type of woman was his preference. Akutami said it wasn’t necessarily his preference but he was unsure if fans wanted to see women of traditional gender roles in Jujutsu Kaisen regardless. Kubo then agreed that the women fit within the overall vibe of JJK and what fans expect from the series, so perhaps it’s for the best.

Can't we all just focus on the cool shit like the art swap instead?

Okay so let’s break a few things down here. First off, this whole conversation was put into English by fan translations and thus some words may not entirely capture what each artist was trying to say. Both artists are still entirely on good terms and it’s the fans who have started attacking each other. Next as for Kubo’s actual comment, I don’t know what this man has been smoking, but has he read Bleach? Yoruichi, Rukia, Halibel, Soifon,Hiyori there are so many women in that bitch that would qualify as “unyielding”. Sure there are a couple of more submissive, “support the party” kind of girls like Orihime in the series but with a cast that large you probably don’t want to write every single girl to possess similar personality traits anyway. Even more recently the man just put out Burn The Witch which features two strong female lead characters. I highly suspect that “unyielding” didn’t quite capture what Kubo was attempting to say with his comment. And if that’s the case this whole fan war is for nothing. Go figure. 

At the end of the day it goes to show that people on the Internet will waste time arguing about anything. My personal unbiased opinion is that I’d be happy if any of the girls from either series sucked my dick. I know, a bit controversial but it’s my opinion and I’ll stand by it god dammit. Do you think Kubo was mistranslated? Have you watched Bleach or Jujutsu Kaisen? Show me your cursed bankai technique in the comments below!