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Bullbuster? Nah She's A Nut Buster
By WakeUpSnooze • 5 months ago

It would be nearly impossible for any human with a functioning career and social life to watch every anime that airs in a season. Still, as a blogger I try to at least check out a good many to stay informed about each season’s overall standings and to hunt for article inspiration. Regardless, many series slip through the cracks, and while catching up to openings this month I’ve realized I’ve been completely sleeping on this girl from Bullbuster. I can’t blame myself too much though as I’m not that familiar with Studio Nut’s work. Oh yes, that’s their real fucking name. Nut. Now the article title seems way less forced, right?

And she got the stank face? It's over for me.

It’s crazy when you see a girl that seems like she was designed by your own heart. I love her medium-length hair. The black tank top and choker come together to create an edgy look that isn’t too over the top or anything .She looks like the most reserved and depressed member of the main cast without ruining the show’s overall design language with some dumbass emissary of darkness outfit. A little extra sadness comes across as a spice on top to me so assuming she is a bit of a downer based on all the promotional artwork I’ve seen of her that depicts her as such, I’m eating good ladies and gentlemen. When I came to this conclusion about missing out on a patented Snooze Girl, it opened my eyes once more to the vast pile of anime that’s still out there. I wonder what other characters I’d enjoy if I only knew they existed and were worth dedicating the time to watch their respective series. To be clear Bullbuster could be complete ass for all I know and I’m hyping up a girl who I’d hate if I actually watched the anime. So instead of focusing on all the potential anime I could be missing out on, I’ll have to settle for reminding myself of how many amazing waifus and series in general that I’m watching now/watched in the past.

Ah yes, that posture indicating disappointment speaks to my soul.

Enough gushing over this nut buster. Too much time spent doing that and I’ll fall behind on the anime that I’m actually viewing. DId you watch Bullbuster this season? Have you missed out on some hot ass characters cause you didn’t watch a show? Do you wish you had more time for anime or are you content with the amount you have? Join a team, build a robot, and bust some bulls in the comments below!