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Could You Survive Being in Prison?
By ImJustThatKinky • 2 years ago

Stone Ocean has already made waves (hehehe, see what I did there) and I’ve been loving it. But with Jolyne being cuffed and thrown behind bars, it got me thinking and wanting to ask you guys. How many of you think you could survive prison?

Now I’m not like Jotaro or Jolyne, I couldn’t just chill and be okay with it. Hell, Jolyne was okay with 5 years, and started freaking out when she got 15, I would have freaked out to just get a year in prison. I’ll be honest with you all, everytime I think about going to prison, I think to myself that I would rather kill myself than be stuck in prison for like mutiple years. The chance of getting shanked, raped, eatting shit food everyday, shit beds, shit work without real pay, and even more probles that come with being in prison, that shit sound like hell on earth.

Just look at my boy just chillin. Couldn't be me.

I feel like the longest I could be in prison is a year, and even then, I feel like I would rather just kill myself. But anything longer than a year, I’m out. Maybe prison won’t be that bad and once I’m in there, I would change my mind. But if tv shows and anime taught me anything, it’s that prison is pretty shit.

How long do you think you could be in prison? Would you rather off yourself than be in prison? Have you checked out Stone Ocean yet? Tell us in the comments.