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Do Girls Enjoy Sex?
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 years ago

Okay guys, level with me here. Girls don’t like sex right? I mean, at the very least, they don’t like it as much as us guys...this is the thought process I had when I was younger. I still have it to some degree but with many of my girl friends going even as far to say that girls think about sex more than guys! It really made my jaw drop.

One reason I thought girls didn’t really care about sex as much as guys is because of the whole “girls don’t cum during penetration.” If a girl doesn’t usual climax during the sex part and can have a better climax just fingering herself, then I don’t see the point in sex for them. But I guess penetration has to be feel good in some way or another. If not, then dildos wouldn’t exist.

With dildos like this. Us guys are going to become obsolete!

Another thing that makes me skeptical is how easily a guy would sleep with a random woman than a woman sleeping with a random guy. If a hot girl randomly wanted to have sex, most guys would say yes. If a random hot guy came up to a girl for sex, the girl would most likely say no. This has been scientifically proven by YouTube videos.

But maybe the reason for this isn’t because girls don’t like sex, it’s just that the power dynamic is different. Guys might think that if the girl tries any fuck shit, he can fight her off of him, while girls might worry that the guy would be able to over power her.

But I’ll just have to believe that girls like sex just as much as us guys. Maybe they like it more for the intimate aspect instead of the whole fucking aspect… TAHAHAHA! Intimate aspect! What are girls? Gay!?

NO! I was joking! Don’t actually be gay! I’ll never lose my virginity if that happens!

Would you sleep with some random hot person if they asked you? Do you think girls enjoy sex more than guys? Did you also believe girls didn’t like sex? Tell us in the comments below.