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High Card Crazy Hot And Just Crazy Sneak Waifu
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago

Another sneak waifu, for another sneak series. I might use this sneak waifu series to also talk about shows I think people should watch. I told Snooze to watch High Card as a meme, not knowing how good it was actually going to be. The PVs looked good, but still not something I would think he would tell me I needed to watch, but after head banging to the best ED of this season, we both were hooked into giving it a try.

And I’m happy we did, cause I would consider it one of the better shows to come out of this season, not counting season 2s and continuations. High Card isn’t anything deep or thought provoking, but a solid plot, nice action, and a group of loveable characters is all it needs to keep me interested. One of those loveable characters is our sneak waifu of the day, Wendy.

Wendy is the sexy girl in the suit, who isn’t as she seems. And I’m not just talking about her other personality. She might wear glasses and a tight fitting business suit, but she’s anything but business. She’s a laid back, clumsy, and not too uptight girl, despite her appearance. It’s not like she’s incompetent, she just doesn’t have that uptight bitch personality you would expect from her. She also can’t handle her drink.

Nah, I'm cutting you off.

But then, you have her alter personality when she draws her sword, Love and Peace. A sadistic psychopath, who loves cutting and killing people. What’s really scary is that this personality doesn’t have any restraints. Friend or foe, she just wants to cut people up, so even if you’re her boyfriend, you’re not safe. Hell, you might be in even more trouble.

That doesn't look like it feels good.

But Wendy is def waifu material, but not so much Love and Peace. Hopefully she learns how to control that side of her, which is something I’m excited to see her tackle throughout the show. Sadly, High Card isn’t popular enough to be getting hentai of it, which might change if you all decide to pick it up and watch it.

Do you think Wendy is hot? Are you watching High Card? Do you think High Card ED is a banger? Tell us in the comments.