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How Does Shit Get a Sequel?
By ImJustThatKinky • 5 years ago

Ayy I'm back. It's Imaginary. Kinky's great great grandma died again for a week. Carry on.

A fair question if I do say so myself. I mean, you may suggest it’s fairly obvious “if the anime or manga does well, it gets a sequel you retard”. That’s certainly true for a large group of shows. The Promised Neverland anime did amazing last season and therefore production is already greenlit for a second season. My Hero Academia got so damn popular you can openly say you love it and not be called a weeb and it seems like it's going to air until completion. So where’s the confusion?

Death is a blessing.

The confusion is THIS god awful shit. What the actual fuck? HOW? How did HANDSHAKERS of all things get a second season!? Who watched this shit? Don’t lie, most of you had to google this to even know what anime I’m talking about. W’z. For Christ’s sake. If this show managed to get a second season and I never live to see a second season for Bloom Into You, an actually good romance anime, I’ll know that anime production truly rests in the heart of gambling.

I know y'all got some more chapters in those bags, DON'T RUN FROM ME!

This is when I realized that so many other factors have the potential to play a role in stopping  production. Licensing issues or grievances with the original author may arise, constraints could appear due to horrible mismanagement within the company despite a show’s success resulting in collapse or downsizing, the product could be very costly to make resulting in low profits, workplace drama could cause essential employees to leave; the list goes on. And the worst part: unless the parties responsible for the first installment of the anime come forward and announce it publicly, you may never know the true reason why your favorite anime… or hentai for that matter... isn’t getting a second season.

Do you love a well-received anime that deserves more episodes? Or perhaps some good hentai/porn in the same boat? Still sad that so much trash gets sequels?  I’ll bring the tissues and we can chat about it in the comments below!