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Let Lady Mandalorian's Boobs Free
By ImJustThatKinky • 3 years ago

Well, this tweet might have backfired on Anita Sarkeesian, but not for us horny boys. Anita made a recent tweet complaining about the Lady Mandalorian having boob armor. Which is a pretty stupid complaint to begin with. She is a girl, her chest sticks out more than men. Do you want her to be uncomfortable under her armor? Do you not wear a bra? A lot of questions could be asked in response to her stupid tweet.

But thanks to Anita dumb tweet, artist DeputyRustArt, drew a meme based off the tweet. 

This little jab art at Anita’s tweet grew large in likes and retweets, and also caught the eyes of other artists. The Lady Mandalorian  design that Deputy came up with, now named the Tomboy Mandalorian, is truly simple and clean...or maybe simple and sweaty. Nothing too complex, just a girl with short brown hair that covers her eyes and black lipstick. She’s a sweaty mess under all that armor and needs to air herself out. 

Do you think Anita’s tweet was stupid? What do you think of Deputy’s Tomboy Mandalorian design? Would you like to see more Tomboy Mandalorian art? Tell us in the comments.