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Making Your Own Anime WIth AI
By WakeUpSnooze • 7 months ago

Ai no Idenshi returned last week after a brief hiatus, and it is already back to poking the audience’s brain in near-future technology related debacles. This episode, half of the story focused on an anime creator who has utilized artificial intelligence to produce an entire anime by himself. We already discussed the possibility of AI-assisted tools coming to the industry earlier on the blog back when the huge initial AI boom was happening, but this depiction took it a step further by imagining a world where anyone can make a decently produced anime and put it out for the world to see. 

My question is, if this tech does grow to exist, would you want to utilize it? Obviously if everyone is able to create an anime after learning how to acquire and operate a set of AI meant for the job, the market is going to become immensely saturated. Hell, I already skip about two-thirds of the total anime airing each season, and I consider myself one of the most dedicated anime fans out there in terms of keeping up with the current series. If everyone and their mother gains the ability to make an anime, it  would become temporally impossible to try out what all releases each season. I think if we did get this crazy with anime production, the industry would shift more towards a music industry landscape, where people usually only discover new stuff by whatever the big record labels sign and promote. Unless MAPPA or a similarly well-respected studio personally gives a stamp of approval to a series independently made, it would be extremely hard for someone to build an audience with so much dilution in the viewers. I think we’re still far off from this being any sort of reality, but it’s an interesting concept that made me ponder the benefits and drawbacks to breaking down the barriers to entry when it comes to anime production. One thing is for sure, it would speed up how often we can get our hands on some new hentai episodes.

Even with AI, creators need those energy drinks for the long nights baby.

This anime has been a treasure trove of theoretical “what-ifs” about AI and similar topics so far, and I merely hope it continues to dive into the possibilities for the rest of its runtime. Not many anime are so dead set on making the viewers curious. Well, except curious about who will win the next fight or which girl the MC will pick out of the available harem. Are you watching AI no Idenshi? Would you make your own anime if the tools became accessible? Do you think everyone being able to make an anime would be fantastic or too crowded? Boot up your quantum computer, launch 26 different AI programs, and forge your masterpiece of a hentai, er, anime in the comments below!