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The Rurouni Kenshin Creator Is Still Making Manga?!
By ImJustThatKinky • 1 year ago

I wrote an article about the new Rurouni Kenshin anime trailer, and how we should separate the product from the creator. Writing that article got me searching a bit more about the creator, and found out that the man is actually still making manga?!

Oof, this character is looking alittle too young.

I thought the Rurouni Kenshin manga was over, but nope, even after the creator was found in possession of about a hundred child porngraphy DVDs, and only fined 200,00 yen, which is around $1,500 US dollars, he’s still working on more Rurouni Kenshin called Rurouni Kenshin: The Hokkaido Arc.

Now I’m pretty sure if he was in America, his career would have been over. Hell, I’m pretty sure he would still be in prison, $1,500 is super generous after being discovered to have around 100 child porn DVDs. And these aren’t loli anime girls, these are REAL GIRLS!!! Japan is built differently compared to the USA. So knowing this new information and that he’s still allowed to draw manga, is that okay? And for me, I’m not sure. I’m more mad at the people who filmed the child porn than the weirdo who bought it. Like if he actually touched and fucked with the kids, then that’s easy as fuck, he shouldn’t be able to do a god damn thing. But him just buying it, hella weird, but I guess he can keep writing manga. I feel like he definitely should have got hit harder than just having to pay $1,500, that’s fucking weak sauce. He should have paid as much as he paid for the child porn DVDs, with interest. That would be like around $20,000 maybe, and even then, he might need to pay more.

Do you think it’s okay to let the mangaka of Rurouni Kenshin keep writing manga? Is a $1,500 fine too low? What do you think the Rurouni Kenshin mangaka’s punishment should have been? Tell us in the comments.