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Twitch Was Pornhub For A Day
By ImJustThatKinky • 4 months ago

Well, that didn’t last long. When Twitch gives us something good, people have to ruin it. Recently, Twitch has been having a problem with female streamers going live and streaming themselves topless in front of their viewers. 

This topless trend made Twitch rethink their guidelines and allow “Artistic Nudity” on to the site.

Which didn't last long…

With people going along and abusing the new rules, Twitch didn’t take a second to remove the rules and go right back to 0. Of course some people were going to use it for its actual purpose, but the majority of people are just going to use it to show off their titties and try to get simps to view them.

Is this what Twitch meant by "Artistic Nudity”?

Some people actually supported the change in a genuine way at first, while others were against it from the start, saying that Twitch is a place for minors, which I disagree with. Just because Twitch has minors that view the site, doesn’t mean that it’s for minors. Twitch was made as a streaming service, not as a streaming service for kids. It would be different if, let’s say, Cartoon Network, just started dropping hentai without any worrying. 

Cartoon Network is looking alittle different.

So Twitch is back to normal, which isn’t really a bad thing, so I guess all in all, nothing has really changed in the grand scheme of things.

Do you think Twitch should have kept their “Artistic Nudity” rule? Do you think people ruined the new rule for everyone? Do you think Twitch is for minors? Tell us in the comments.